Getting It Done

How do you know when you’ve written enough for one day? In terms of productivity, that is. This was a topic in one of the panels I did at RadCon last February. It was very interesting how many different techniques people have to stay on task and meet their goals.

One of the authors worked in Hollywood and almost everything was written toward deadlines. He basically worked in a series of sprints. Setting a timer, writing as hard and fast as he could without doing revision. Then at the bell taking breaks, having drinks or snacks, answering e-mails and secondary writing tasks. After a while, he set the timer and did it again.

One of them went by word count. She set out to write a certain number of words before her session could be over. I know another who only has weekends for writing, and he crams in as much as he can until he’s exhausted. At a convention, I once heard an author say he began writing at midnight and went until six o’clock in the morning. That would never work for me!

For myself, I go by pages. I have to finish two pages before I can be done. But if I’m near the end of a chapter, then I have to finish the chapter. That may not sound like much, but I have a day job and a house to maintain. I have basically an hour after dinner for writing. One night of the week is reserved for gaming, and two nights my siblings will call to talk. If only they all got along and would call me together on Discord! I could have another uninterrupted work night.

Anyway, I’m curious how you get your writing done. In sprints, by the clock, or by the word? Something else? Let me know in the comments!

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